Laptop Reflections, 2010
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An installation by Conditional Design for the exhibition INFODECODATA, at the Graphic Design Museum Breda, Feb - Aug 2010. We wrote a script that captured our portraits via our webcams and screenshots of our desktops every 5 minutes during one year.
It consists of 5 videos, each lasting 3 hours 27 mins, a wall print, a newspaper and the website
Vitruvian Paint Machine, 2009
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For Take on me (take me on), an alternative production factory, 17-25 october 2009, Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven. In collaboration with Edo Paulus.
PZI Graduation Catalogue, 2009
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Huh? Oops... Fuck! Oh... Oh, no! Wait... Again...
A social computation experiment.
Catalogue for the graduation 2009 Media Design, PZI - Piet Zwart Institute WDKA
In collaboration with Roel Wouters.
STEIM, Performing Interior, 2009
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Interior design for Steim (Center for research & development of instruments & tools for performers in the electronic performance arts in Amsterdam)
Skycatcher, 2005-2009
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Wallpaper detail � online archive, wallprint, poster, movie...
The skycatcher archive gives access to an online archive of photographs of the sky above Amsterdam sinds 2005.
Jan Wolkers, Levend Archief, 2009
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Video frame
Levend Archief (Living Archive) � video installation and digital platform as an homage to Jan Wolkers. Commissioned by Stedelijk Museum De Lakenhal Leiden. In collaboration with Roel Wouters.
Tape is made from trees, 2009
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Short movie comissioned by Urban Screen Festival, CASZuidas, Amsterdam
In collaboration with Roel Wouters
Spoken Annual Report, 2009
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An online sound work in spoken form: Listen to the annual report. We developed this work for the Stedelijk Museum De Lakenhal in Leiden, and made use of the crowd-sourcing technique. In collaboration with Jonathan Puckey.
Zee naar Harderwijk, 2009
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'De Zee naar Harderwijk' (The Sea to Harderwijk) is a camera and sound installation at the Oosterscheldekering in Zeeland (Dutch coast) for St Jansdal hospital in Harderwijk, The Netherlands, commissioned by SKOR Foundation Art and Public Space.
Dynamic Manifestos, 2008
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Discussion - game - fantasy trip - Luna Maurers contribution within B.A.S. Berlin 26 Oct - 9 Nov 2009
Further documentation on the Conditional Design website:

The fall of typography
Long live the Staedelschule
The Dutch king in Berlin
The war of the iPods
Used look
World machine
Playing between ground and level.
German technocrats and Dutch drinkers

Dynamic Manifestos is something in between a fantasy trip, a discussion and a game. It was played on four different nights in the studio of B.A.S. with different designers that Luna Maurer invited.
The idea is to generate a collective world with influences from the field of art and design as well as Berlin and Holland.

The scene from Amsterdam, where Luna Maurer, Edo Paulus, Jonathan Puckey, und Roel Wouters meet each Tuesday at Lunas kitchen table, gets re-enacted in Berlin. Four players sit around the table. On the computer monitor one can read four instructions (each player has four different instructions) that each player has to execute. In each round the instructions get randomly assembled. One round lasts three minutes. The stop watch is running.

The goal is to experience what kind of thoughts get generated through the tight limitations of the instructions. They stimulate absurd and radical statements. By reacting on one another slowly a story evolves. It is not necessarily a true story but it shows interresting new connections and paths. In the process of playing slowly the characteristics of the different designers get visible.

Tuesday 28.10.2008: Cornelia, Tobias, Julian, Luna
Thursday 30.10.2008: Serge, Anders, Dominik, Luna
Friday 31.10.2008: Roman, Katja, Henrike, Luna
Sunday 2.11.2008: Ian, Sebastian, Laure, Luna

1st instruction (medium): use words - draw - use tape

2nd instruction (elements. different on the 4 evenings):

28.10.: bookstore - programmer - studio - computer - internet - client - public space - art school
30.10.: printed medium - digital medium - institution - individual - Berlin or The Netherlands
31.10.: human element - mechanical element - personal fascination - formal element - element in conjunction with your work
02.1.: organizational element - futuristic element - trend - numerical element -a new law

3rd instruction (treatment): - add detail - constrain - exaggerate - radicalize - destroy - attack - simplify - defend - make beautiful - protect - complain

4th instruction (relations): show change - add a condition - make a reference - make a relationship - create a dependency - make a comparison - make a temporal connection - show difference - show a consequence

From September 1st 2008 to January 1st 2009, five leading Dutch graphic designers will move their studio temporarily to Berlin. They will work by the name B.A.S. in the project studio of The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture on design projects which will take place in the (Berlin) public domain.

Link to this project:
Blue Fungus, 2009
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Blue Fungus is a project developed for Deep Screen, Art in Digital Culture, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, 30 May - 30 Sept 2008.
Collection Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.
Milen en Joes gaan trouwen, 2009
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Wedding invitation for Joes & Milen. The poster design is constructed with one long line. Jonathan Puckey modified his Ribbon Tool for this purpose.